This ele­men­tal in­ter­nal life of a tone or sound can be most mean­ing­fully de­scribed as ‘the mi­cro­cosm of mu­sic.

From the first sound im­pulse, a sound grows in time and space into a com­plex tonal pat­tern, like a tree from a seed and at some point in time it decays – like eve­ry other thing in crea­tion.

To­day, these in­ter­nally liv­ing struc­tural de­vel­op­ments of tones and sounds can be ren­dered visi­ble and au­di­ble us­ing spe­cial sci­en­tific de­vices.

Thus to­day it is sci­en­tifi­cally and tech­no­logi­cally pos­si­ble to filter out in­di­vid­ual in­ter­nal tonal de­vel­op­ments from a tone or sound and, as such, to ex­am­ine them.

And if we spa­tially and tem­po­rally lengthen these acous­tic ex­pres­sions, which may them­selves last only frac­tions of a sec­ond, then we rec­og­nise in each one of them an in­fi­nite num­ber of con­nected move­ments – each of them a com­pletely in­di­vid­ual vari­able tone with its own vari­able pitch and volume, its own vari­able rhythm, its own point and time of ori­gin and a com­pletely unique pat­tern of de­vel­op­ment – noth­ing short of a ‘per­sonal jour­ney through life’.

Nev­er­the­less, there are fixed rules in their evo­lu­tion, like those we also know in the physi­cal, chemi­cal, bio­logi­cal or as­tro­nomi­cal world as ‘natu­ral laws’.

Thus in the com­plexly con­structed in­ter­nal tonal world of just a sin­gle in­di­vid­ual tone or sound, we find mul­ti­fari­ous, natu­ral ‘so­cial’ re­la­tion­ships be­tween very many fine tones, where­by, time-and-again, new ‘so­cial’ or­ders gain and then lose the upper-hand: the de­vel­op­ment of ever newer, more natu­ral, more in­di­vid­ual, more in­te­grated so­cial and eco­logi­cal pat­terns of or­der in chaos.

With ‘mu­sic’ we best de­scribe first this in­ter­nal life of tones or sounds, which is an in­te­gral part of them and makes their in­ter­nal de­vel­op­ments pos­si­ble – simi­lar to the way in which our in­ter­nal life de­ter­mines for each one of us the way through life and, over and above this, the way of our so­cial re­la­tion­ships and ul­ti­mately, also the course of the en­tire eco­logi­cal de­vel­op­ment.

Even in one sin­gle sound alone – sin­gled out from the twit­ter­ing of birds – it is pos­si­ble to dis­cover a gi­gan­tic con­cert of birds, and in a sin­gle sound from the hu­man voice one can hear – if one lis­tens care­fully – mas­sive choirs, full of sounds and in­di­vid­ual songs.

How­ever, the natu­ral abili­ties of our ‘mu­si­cal ear’ have been deaf­ened and dis­abled by the many eco­logi­cal crises – es­pe­cially in mu­sic too. There­fore it must be our com­mit­ment to open up this mi­cro­cosm of mu­sic lit­tle-by-lit­tle and, as lis­ten­ers, to pene­trate this never-end­ing, hid­den world where the ele­men­tal na­ture of the mu­sic will be re­vealed to us. Then we will rec­og­nise the eter­nal laws of har­mony of our life.1
Medical Music                                          continued 12
Nature‘s Laws of Harmony in the Microcosm of Music

“The natural abilities of our ‘musical ear’ have been deafened and disabled by the many ecological crises – especially in music too. Therefore it must be our commitment to open up this microcosm of music little-by-little and, as listeners, to penetrate this never-ending, hidden world where the elemental nature of the music will be revealed to us. Then we will recognise the eternal laws of harmony of our life.”

Peter Hübner

1 Please see also Prof. Dr. Boris Luban-Plozza
“On the social-medical significance of Medical Resonance Therapy Music”


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©   A A R   E D I T I O N   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   2001



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